Hisense AUD-60UX4SHH pictures
Information about the photo
Title: Hisense AUD-60UX4SHH
Number: 1 picture
Brand: Hisense
Category: Air conditioners
File size: 80 Kb
Image size: 701x309 px
File type: JPG
Image URL: http://pictures.specsan.com/photo/hisense/hisense-aud-60ux4shh-1.jpg
Photo views: 340
Brief description
- ducted split-system
- pressure 120 PA
- heating and cooling air
- ventilation mode
- automatic maintenance of temperature
- optimum mode of work in the night time
- dehumidification of the air at high humidity
Comments to 1 photo of Hisense AUD-60UX4SHH