Specsan.com » Home appliances » Built in wall ovens » Electrolux

Electrolux EON 67000 X pictures

Electrolux EON 67000 X photo, Electrolux EON 67000 X photos, Electrolux EON 67000 X picture, Electrolux EON 67000 X pictures, Electrolux photos, Electrolux pictures, image Electrolux, Electrolux images

Information about the photo

Title: Electrolux EON 67000 X
Number: 1 picture
Brand: Electrolux
Category: Built in wall ovens
File size: 41 Kb
Image size: 598x585 px
File type: JPG
Image URL: http://pictures.specsan.com/photo/electrolux/electrolux-eon-67000-x-1.jpg
Photo views: 121
Brief description
  • electric dependent
  • 59.4 59.4 x x 56.7 cm
  • sinking lighted switches
  • class A energy consumption
  • display
  • convection
  • grill

Comments to 1 photo of Electrolux EON 67000 X

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