Toshiba Camcorders
- record high definition video (FullHD) to a flash memory
- matrix resolution 5MP
- memory card SD
- 0.128 GB internal flash memory
- image stabilizer
- up to 2.3 hours battery life
- weight: 87
- camcorder with 5x magnification
- record high definition video (HD) on the flash memory
- resolution of the matrix 10.48 MP
- memory card MMC, SD, SDHC
- 0.064 GB internal flash memory
- image stabilizer
- weight: 340 g
- camcorder with 5x magnification
- record high definition video (HD) on the flash memory
- matrix resolution 5MP
- memory card SD
- 0.128 GB internal flash memory
- image stabilizer
- up to 1.3 hours battery life
- record high definition video (FullHD) to a flash memory
- matrix resolution 5MP
- memory card SD
- 0.128 GB internal flash memory
- image stabilizer
- to 2.25 hours battery life
- weight: 148 g
- camcorder with 5x magnification
- record high definition video (HD) on the flash memory
- matrix resolution 5MP
- memory card SD, SDHC
- 0.128 GB internal flash memory
- image stabilizer
- up to 2 hours battery life
- camcorder with 5x magnification
- record high-definition video (HD) on the memory card
- sensor resolution 10 megapixel
- memory card SD, SDHC
- image stabilizer
- weight: 229 g
- record high-definition video (HD) on the memory card
- matrix resolution 5MP
- memory card SD, SDHC
- weight: 115 g
- camcorder with 10x magnification
- record high-definition video (HD) on the memory card
- sensor resolution 10 megapixel
- memory card SD, SDHC
- image stabilizer
- weight: 270g
- camcorder with a 9-fold increase
- record high-definition video (HD) on the memory card
- resolution of the matrix 14 MP
- memory card SD, SDHC, SDXC
- electronic image stabilizer
- up to 1 hour battery life
- weight: 152
- camcorder with 5x magnification
- record high-definition video (HD) on the memory card
- sensor resolution 10 megapixel
- memory card SD, SDHC, SDXC
- electronic image stabilizer
- up to 1 hour battery life
- weight: 162 g
- camcorder without increasing
- record high definition video (FullHD) to a flash memory
- matrix resolution 5MP
- memory card SD, SDHC, SDXC
- 0.0078125 GB internal flash memory
- electronic image stabilizer
- to 1.167 hours battery life
- record high definition video (FullHD) to a flash memory
- sensor resolution 8 MP
- memory card SD, SDHC, SDXC
- 0.128 GB internal flash memory
- weight: 118 g