Ridian DVR-074HD pictures
Information about the photo
Title: Ridian DVR-074HD
Number: 1 picture
Brand: Ridian
Category: Dashboard сameras
File size: 19 Kb
Image size: 200x196 px
File type: JPG
Image URL: http://pictures.specsan.com/photo/ridian/ridian-dvr-074hd-1.jpg
Photo views: 152
Brief description
- DVR camera
- record 1440x1080 video at 15 fps, 720x480 at 60 fps
- with TV 2.4"
- battery life
- viewing angle of 90°
- connection to a TV via HDMI
- SD memory cards (SDHC)
Comments to 1 photo of Ridian DVR-074HD