Tyan Thunder K8SR (S2881UG2NR) pictures
Information about the photo
Title: Tyan Thunder K8SR (S2881UG2NR)
Number: 1 picture
Brand: Tyan
Category: Motherboard
File size: 21 Kb
Image size: 180x200 px
File type: JPG
Image URL: http://pictures.specsan.com/photo/tyan/tyan-thunder-k8sr-s2881ug2nr--1.jpg
Photo views: 329
Brief description
- motherboard with 2 sockets S940
- form factor SSI EEB
- AMD 8131
- up to 8 laths DDR DIMM frequency of 200 to 400 MHz
- built-in video card based on the ATI Rage XL
- expansion slots: 2xPCI-X
- connectors SATA 1.5Gb/s: 4
Comments to 1 photo of Tyan Thunder K8SR (S2881UG2NR)