Tyan Toledo i965R (S5180AG2N) pictures
Information about the photo
Title: Tyan Toledo i965R (S5180AG2N)
Number: 1 picture
Brand: Tyan
Category: Motherboard
File size: 140 Kb
Image size: 546x454 px
File type: JPG
Image URL: http://pictures.specsan.com/photo/tyan/tyan-toledo-i965r-s5180ag2n--1.jpg
Photo views: 199
Brief description
- motherboard with socket LGA775
- form factor custom
- chipset Intel Q965
- up to 2 laths DDR2 DIMM frequency 533 800 MHz
- integrated video
- expansion slots: 1xPCI-E x16, 1xPCI
- connectors SATA 3Gb/s: 4
Comments to 1 photo of Tyan Toledo i965R (S5180AG2N)