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Atlantic Steatite Cube H 150 pictures

Atlantic Steatite Cube H 150 photo, Atlantic Steatite Cube H 150 photos, Atlantic Steatite Cube H 150 picture, Atlantic Steatite Cube H 150 pictures, Atlantic photos, Atlantic pictures, image Atlantic, Atlantic images

Information about the photo

Title: Atlantic Steatite Cube H 150
Number: 1 picture
Brand: Atlantic
Category: Water heaters
File size: 10 Kb
Image size: 200x137 px
File type: JPG
Image URL: http://pictures.specsan.com/photo/atlantic/atlantic-steatite-cube-h-150-1.jpeg
Photo views: 169
Brief description
  • cumulative
  • electric
  • water tank in the 150 l
  • for a single point of water
  • the power 2.4 kW
  • for 220 V

Comments to 1 photo of Atlantic Steatite Cube H 150

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